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Last rose petals linger.... dee’15 |
Wednesday, September 23, 2015 at 4:22 AM EST
I have been keeping an eagle eye on
the calendar, waiting for the Autumnal Equinox.
Due to some inexplicable gap in my education, I was in college when I
learned what the word equinox meant. A
new restaurant opened in the Amherst, MA area around 1976 and it was called the
Equinox. I queried the owner about the
unusual name and he explained that there are two Equinoxes annually. They occur around the 21st to 23rd of March and September. On these days, day and
night are equally twelve hours long. Not
to be overlooked are the solstices; they occur two times a year, also. It is at these two points that the sun is at
its greatest distance from the equator.
The summer solstice occurs around June 21st, bringing with it
the shortest day of the year and the winter solstice occurs around December 22nd
and is the shortest day of the year. I am embarrassed to say that it wasn’t
until that moment that I finally understood how the four seasons were tied to
events both celestial and astronomical.
For me, each season brings with it certain
rituals of celebration and welcoming. There are equally important seasonal
markers in nature that denote the passing of time and the letting go of the
The Winter Solstice is
part of the Festival of Lights. As days
draw shorter and shorter, we, in the Northern Hemisphere, arrive at December 21
or so and we find ourselves on the shortest day of the year. My favorite words of the season are “Light
Cometh.” I know that, if I can survive a day with about 9 hours of light and 15
hours of darkness, the next day will be slightly longer and the night – and the
darkness -- will start to shrink.
The solace that comes
from that knowledge is immeasurable. This year, the winter solstice comes on
December 22nd. Keep a look
out for the sun on that day. It will rise at 7:06a.m. and set at 4:16p.m.. Be
sure to enjoy the nine hours and sixteen minutes to full advantage….Make sure
you do something that brings you joy.
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The ground stirs with new wonder. |
The Vernal Equinox
usually occurs around March 21st and it heralds spring. For me, the
trip of the Spotted salamanders across Henry St. in Amherst, MA is one of the
hallmarks of spring. The town set aside a sizeable budget to create tunnels for
these hardy salamanders to make it across the road without injury. These small creatures were motivated by the
all-important business of mating in vernal pools. After the first rain of spring,
when the temperature stays above 40 degrees, the salamanders are on the move.
So, too, are the do-good members of the Amherst bucket brigade that herds the
salamanders into said tunnels with
their buckets. Other signs of spring are the taps on the maple trees, the sight
of robins against melting snow, the scent of decaying leaves, the fresh new
growth on the tips of the trees and the very first sound of the peepers. My
entire family knows the thrill I take in seeing the first snowdrops in March,
followed by crocuses in April. A family tradition we have practiced on the eve
of the Vernal Equinox has been to balance an egg on end. Over time, my son demonstrated
that this feat of daring do and great prestidigitation may be accomplished with
any willing egg on pretty much any day of the year. And still, we wait for March 21st.
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One among many -- summer days in blue. dee ’15 |
We have arrived back at the Autumnal Equinox. My favorite season is the fall; perhaps I am biased because I am a Virgo, a September baby. Many people associate autumn with loss and endings. For me, the first 21 years of my life served as a lifetime rule; autumn brings happiness. I loved school and it started in September. Fall was the beginning of the good stuff. Being with friends, learning new things, beginning anew. Even though it has been forty years since I put on a blue uniform over a white blouse and headed to school, my pulse races a bit when I see the first tree aflame in yellow. Just today, I saw an acorn when I was walking through a wooded area. I thought how I hardly ever see them on the Island. Then I came home. OUT of nowhere, acorns. Everywhere.They littered my driveway. I swept them up – more than assured that they will return tomorrow. On the Vineyard, autumn nights are cool and the mornings, fresh. The homebody in me wants to get ready for the winter that is bound to bear down on us. I have a punch list: Post the stakes for the snowplow (so that my garden isn’t decimated). Put away the awning. Put the lawn furniture under cover. Pack up, rack up, clean up. Get ready for the assault of winter. September 23 is the date of the Autumnal equinox this year and I am getting ready. I have piles of summer clothes to go into storage and winter clothes to take out. I am airing my blankets and polishing my boots.
If nothing else, I feel ready to
batten down the hatches and prepare for a rough ride. The winds will blow, the days will grow
colder and shorter and I intend to be warm and cozy in my new abode. By
Halloween, it is dark by 5:30p.m. It is cold enough to wear a down vest over a
fleece in the morning. Noses run and faces grow ruddy from the fresh air. It’s
a time of magic and wonder. I persist in the desire to use my new fire pit. I
propose a bonfire to celebrate *Guy Fawkes Day in November! Thanksgiving follows shortly thereafter.
Together, we all move forward, while individually, we turn inward, focusing on
what is directly in front of us. The smells of hot woodstoves and pine sap in
the autumn bring with them memories so deeply imbedded that I can’t assign
anything to them except the feeling of being home, being safe, being loved.
* “www.timeanddate.com
Guy Fawkes Night is annually held on November
5. It is sometimes known as Bonfire Night and marks the
anniversary of the discovery of a plot organized by Catholic conspirators to
blow up the Houses of Parliament in London in 1605. Many people light bonfires
and set off fireworks.” Quoted directly from timeanddate.com
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